
Bélanger Sauvé inaugurates its new Joliette office space

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On Thursday, September 7, 2023, Bélanger Sauvé, together with its Joliette team members and valued partners, celebrated the official inauguration of its brand-new Joliette office space.

The traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed by the firm’s managing partner, Pierre Moreau, flanked by Patrice Ricard, coordinator of the firm’s Municipal and Administrative Law Group, Yves Chaîné, partner in the Joliette office, and Rémy Cormier, the firm’s Director of Administration.

Before some 20 guests assembled for the occasion, Mr. Moreau emphasized the commitment of the partners, the Joliette team and the entire Bélanger Sauvé administration, to making this project success, which ultimately attests to the strength, vigour and dynamism of the Joliette office.

“These renovations, like those in our Montréal and Trois-Rivières offices, reflect our firm’s image. We are known first and foremost for our expertise and personalized advisory services. Our Joliette office specializes in public law and its primary responsibility is to provide quality services to its municipal clients”, he added.

Welcoming professional environment

The aim of the rental space improvement project, carried out from October 2022 to May 2023, was to provide the seven-person team at the Joliette office with more ergonomic and well-lit work areas. The judicious use of the surrounding environment and the contemporary elegance of the new space has radically transformed their working environment, giving it a unique character.

The premises, in the colours of Bélanger Sauvé’s new brand image, are the visible embodiment of a functional and welcoming space, owing in part to the collaborative efforts of numerous invaluable partners who thoughtfully supported the firm’s choices and directions and no less to the efforts made by the firm’s staff to maintain client service quality despite the fact that the office was in the midst of major renovations.

The commitment of everyone involved in the project was the key to its success. Bélanger Sauvé would like to thank its partners Desjardins Entreprises Mauricie, the company that owns the building represented by one of its co-owners, Hugo Jeanson, 8 Design, Les Entreprises Louis Bellerose inc, LGIT, Réseau-Bureautique, Humanscale, Solutions de bureau Rousseau, its building neighbours BCL Groupe Financier inc, Sténo Plus, Choco Chocolat and La Distinction, and the personnel who played a vital role in ensuring the project’s success.