François Peter-Edmond
- French
- English
Mtre Rivard joined the Administrative Law section in 2021 after articling with the firm.
He practises primarily in municipal and administrative law, with a focus on land use planning and municipal procedures.
During his law studies, he also studied urban planning and published articles on the relationship between property law and urban planning in various scientific journals.
- Urban planning and development
- Municipal organization and procedures
Master of Laws (LL.M.) student
Barreau du Québec
Juris Doctor (JD) and Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL)
Professional Accomplishments
Returning officer for the City of Westmount in the 2021 municipal election.
Affiliations & Activities
Yaëll Emerich and François Peter-Edmond Rivard, “La résurgence des communs en droit des biens contemporains : étude sur les cohabitats écologiques et les ruelles vertes” (2020) 50:1 Revue générale de droit 245.
Yaëll Emerich and François Peter-Edmond Rivard, “Discussing the Values: Retrieving Use Value of Property in Housing Contexts” (2020) 9:2/3 European Property Law Journal 179.
François Peter-Edmond Rivard, “L’usage et le pouvoir de zoner dans la foulée de Restaurants Canada : un touski jurisprudentiel” in Service de la qualité de la profession du Barreau du Québec, Développements récents en droit municipal, Montréal, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2023, 97-140.

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